Tuesday, May 2

the bird

i looked out one of our big windows at work today, and noticed a small bird...dead on the ground. i was immediately saddened, not even knowing completely why. things like this happen all the time- and yet it never hits me like this. i began thinking what that bird would be doing right then had it still been alive- probably swooping in and out of air pockets, letting it's feathers take it soaring up in the wind. maybe it would have found a puddle of water somewhere and would be taking a bath. but one fell swoop into a huge pane of glass ended its life.

but God sees that bird. how much more you and i-- his children?! just as a father cares for his kids, God looks at us with compassion. He wants only the best for us- not harm. He doesn't want us to crash into the glass, He wants to see us soar on the wind; bathe in a puddle.

then it hit me. the reason i was so saddened by this is because i started thinking about how many people that i know that seemed to have crashed into the glass. maybe they didn't know Christ. maybe they knew Him but weren't following Him whole-heartedly. maybe they didn't have a hunger to see His kingdom come.

but we're here on this earth for a reason- let's not mess that up by losing our focus and crash into the glass. all too often it would be just that easy.

to see your kingdom come, Lord. to see your kingdom come.


At 8:08 AM, Blogger Jacqs said...

The first five times I read this I was like ... aw, yeah ... the bird.



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